Garret was a police officer. So all the LIES, calls to the police, all the catastrophes (termed "just bad luck" by a male cousin), and court activity to get me lined up real good, seem weird to me, given my lineage and the stalker's connection to law enforcement. But perhaps this is the case of a lazy stalker/hitman. When you dig deep. You you gotta think DEEPER. They've had 2 WHOLE Years. But they weren't paid to think. But I'm also sure they weren't given all the facts. The family mob likes puppets. But why leave that out "family"? The manipulators manipulating the master manipulator. My stalker/hitman is chasing clout. They're one of three at my last estimation.
There were family grievances and beef. From a cousin, Nikki. And disparagement. Her parent was mad at Garret too. He was also stalked, followed, tracked and hunted. And told people someone was trying to harm him. He knew he was being followed. No one called him crazy though. He was a trained deep sea diver. A good man. The Washingtonpost doesn't mention these details. This was bigger than just insurance money.
Its the way a cousin, Nikki, has worked This will forever puzzle me. I definitely believe those close to her were involved too. But I stayed away. I always stayed away. I predicted his death 10 years prior. Not him specifically, but someone. It was at a club. So much chaos and so much confusion. I always felt like she'd get someone killed. That's what I told my mother.
Garret was also married when she met him.
And then there was Bernard. Slaughtered in his bed. She walks in and Oops he's dead? Black widows doing what black widows do.
This is why I closed the cycle. Tell the truth.